Sunday, February 14, 2010

Women vs. Airlines

This will serve as my first recurring post in which I make seven general comparisons between women and a certain entity that is completely un-related. Why only seven you might ask? Because it's my blog and I do what I want! If I offend you with these generalizations, get a sense of humor as this is all in jest.

So without further gilding the lily, and with no more ado, I give you Women vs. Airlines!

7. Neither one is ever on-time.

6. Both are high in maintenance.

5. Both carry baggage, literally and physically.

4. Women and airlines usually operate with their heads in the clouds.

3. If you fly first class or are a first class lady, you don't pay for drinks.

2. If you have to buy it to ride it, you are left unsatisfied after all is said and done. Not to mention something of value will be lost or stolen (i.e. watch, cell phone, more money, or a whole bag!).

And the number one reason airlines and women are similar...

1. In one year they will both spend more money than they make!


  1. Horty, that was should write for Letterman

  2. Thanks Diva! Too bad I'm not Jewish or I would be living large writing!
